What is Samhain?
How do you celebrate Samhain? October 31st , a day of spooky costumes, candies, and trick or treats, it is also known as Halloween for
How do you celebrate Samhain? October 31st , a day of spooky costumes, candies, and trick or treats, it is also known as Halloween for
How to celebrate Mabon? Mabon is the seventh Sabbat in the Wiccan wheel of the year that symbolizes the start of autumn. It happens every
How to celebrate Lammas? Lammas is the sixth Sabbats in the Wiccan Wheel of the Year that happens every August 1st of the year in
How to Celebrate Litha Litha, also known as midsummer or the summer solstice, is around June 21 in the Northern Hemisphere and December 21 in
How to celebrate Imbolc? Imbolc is the second Sabbat after Yule held usually on February 1 or 2. Imbolc is also known as Brigid, Candlemas,
Wiccan Sabbats: Ostara Ostara is one of the eight sabbats of Wicca and it is usually held on March 21 to celebrate the coming of