
How to Read Tarot Cards for Beginners

As a popular tool for reading the future for curious individuals of all ages, tarot cards are one of the magickal wonders of Wicca. In this way of life, these tools are not only used for divination but also for a variety of reasons, such as but not limited to aiding meditation and spellwork. Tarot cards also serve as a helpful guide to people on what course of action they can take for certain situations.

Image by Daniel Albany from Pixabay

Although considered as a Wiccan tool, not every Wiccan uses the tarot and vice-versa. Wiccans believe in personalizing one’s experience with the craft and so there are different kinds of people who have different ways of life. Some still make use of tarot cards, while others don’t. It’s simply up to you! 

There is numerous information on how tarot cards came to be. Some say it came from the East, while some say the opposite, citing that it comes from Europe. It is said to be from Italy and originated as a card game and took the idea from playing card decks, while some say it is the other way around. Basically, there is no exact and confirmed origin of the tarot cards which is why there are countless debates regarding its history.

One of the popular accounts is that the tarot was initially used as playing cards, and the first record of its use for divination dates back in the 18th or 19th century. Occultists, including members of the group called the Hermetic Order of The Golden Dawn, took notice of the cards; during that time, Arthur Edward Waite and Pamela Colman Smith then created the Waite-Smith Tarot.

Tarot decks are 78 cards in total and consist of two sections: the major and minor arcana. Also known as the trump cards, the major arcana contains 22 cards. It deals with the grand scheme of life and carries the message that you need for your guidance (Tarot,2018). The major arcana cards are long-term compared to the minor arcana, the suit cards, which is for day to day guidance.  The 56 cards in the minor arcana are divided into 4 suits – wands, cups, swords, and pentacles. These four suits have their own corresponding elements: fire, water, air, and earth respectively. 

How Do You Know Which Tarot Deck Is Right for You?

There are different kinds of tarot cards and it can certainly be confusing which deck is perfect for you. Unfortunately, no one can tell you which one is the ideal one for you, since what works for some may not for others; it differs from person to person. The good news is that there are many options to try, so you won’t have a shortage of options to try out. Go ahead and try various decks if you have to, what is important is that you genuinely try to connect with each one. This process may take time but it will be worth it as it helps in knowing what works specifically for you. Others even carry their tarot cards wherever they go or sleep right next to it in order to form a bond.

As you try to read your cards, you will know if it works well with you or not. Try to find the bond, the connection with it. This comes in a form of an intuition, so listen to your heart. Is it the easiest to read or work with? Or do you go blank when you look at the cards?

Tarot Cards for Divination

It is a big misconception that the tarot cards tell the unchangeable future. Most wiccans believe that the tarot does not predict the future but rather serves as a guide to what will happen. It does not outright tell you of what will exactly occur in a few weeks or a few years because that would only mean that the tarot is taking away your free will. Instead, it gives you a peak of what will happen given the present situation should you make no changes.

There is no exact way to read the tarot cards. Although there are guides and corresponding meanings, it is only the tip of the iceberg in reading the tarot. The art of tarot is intuitive (Wicca Living, n.d.). There are different ways on how to read the cards or how to interpret it and it is mainly dependent on what it makes you feel. It will take a while to gain confidence; however, it builds up as you practice more.

Image by Mira Cosic from Pixabay

How Do You Read the Tarot Cards?

There are two kinds of readings in the Art of Tarot: Open reading and Question Reading. Open readings are basically general guidance with no exact problem or situation in mind. Contrary to this, question readings are far more specific. It focuses on what you want to know and where you need guidance on. It usually starts with a question or perhaps a description of what you are currently going through. 

There are different ways to go about your tarot card reading. This is one of the most basic:

  1. Shuffle the tarot cards 
  2. Get 3 from the deck
  3. Lay them down separately from left to right
  4. Analyze the cards
  • From left to right, the cards will represent the past, present, and future respectively. 

Tarot Cards for Spellwork

As mentioned, tarot cards are not solely for divination in Wicca. Some wiccans use it for spellwork through incorporating the appropriate card to match the purpose of their spell or their desired outcome. However, it does not always go about this way. The card you choose does not depend entirely on your set purpose. Others prefer to consult the deck itself in order to know their real intentions first.

There are 78 tarot cards; including the reverse of each, you will have a total of 146 pieces to use for different spells and purposes. Together with the other tools and elements, you may use the tarot to make the spell stronger and more effective.

Tarot Cards for Meditation

In meditation, you may either find the deeper meaning of the card or use the tarot to get advice for certain issues (Collins,n.d.). Others believe that through meditation, you may find a solution to the troubles you are encountering. Instead of clearing your mind, you focus on the card and welcome thoughts that come to help you. Usually, you imagine yourself in the card and think of the different options that may arise for decision making. For example, for relationship problems, you use the Lovers Card; as you meditate, welcome the thoughts which may come in a form an advice.

Ready to start your journey and grow your intuition through tarot reading? Click here!

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