
Wiccan Sabbats: Ostara

Wiccan Sabbats: Ostara

Ostara is one of the eight sabbats of Wicca and it is usually held on March 21 to celebrate the coming of Spring or Vernal Equinox. However, what happens during Ostara?

According to History.com, the Earth tilts at an angle of 23.5 degrees on its axis relative to its orbit around the sun. During Ostara, the Earth’s axis does not tilt away from the sun leading to some experiencing the sun passing overhead.

Ostara is the feast day of the maiden of spring and the horned god which represents fertility. According to Patti Wigington, the origin of the word Ostara came from Eostre which is the name of the goddess of Spring. Ostara is the equivalent of Easter in Christian religions. This sabbat celebrates the time of fertility and sowing weeds. The symbol for this festival are rabbits similar to Easter. Pagans celebrate Ostara as a time of renewal and rebirth.

Rituals and Ceremonies

There are many ways to celebrate Ostara, depending on your region and tradition. Here is a list of some rituals you can practice to celebrate Ostara as a Wiccan:

Set up your Ostara altar

Just like any sabbat, it is important to set up your altar for this occasion. To set up an altar, you will need the objects that symbolize Ostara such as eggs, rabbits, new bulbs of flowers and seedlings. These items represent fertility of spring and the essence of Ostara. This sabbat also means the balance between light and dark. You may add objects that represent balance such as statues of gods and goddesses, white and black candles, sun and moon and more.’

If you still have no idea on what an altar is, you may be guided by our previous article.

Ostara Candle Ritual

You will need to perform a candle ritual for Ostara. To do this, you will be needing the following items such as a yellow candle, green candle, purple candle, a bowl of milk, a small bowl of honey or sugar. 

To begin your ritual, start early in the morning during sunrise. This is the perfect time to reconnect with the earth on a fine spring day. Take a moment of deep breath to focus on the air around you. Observe the smell of spring and change of seasons, and sense how the wheel of the year has transitioned. Light the following candles in order and chant is corresponding prayer with your utmost sincerity:

“Light the green candle, to symbolize the blossoming earth. As you light it, say:

The Wheel of the Year turns once more,
and the vernal equinox arrives.
Light and dark are equal,
and the soil begins to change.
The earth awakes from its slumber,
and new life springs forth once more.

Next, light the yellow candle, representing the sun. As you do so, say:

The sun draws ever closer to us,
greeting the earth with its welcoming rays.
Light and dark are equal,
and the sky fills with light and warmth.
The sun warms the land beneath our feet,
and gives life to all in its path.

Finally, light the purple candle. This one represents the Divine in our lives–whether you call it a god or a goddess, whether you identify it by name or simply as a universal life force, this is the candle which stands for all the things we do not know, all those things we cannot understand, but that are the sacred in our daily lives. As you light this candle, focus on the Divine around and within you. Say:

Spring has come! For this, we are thankful!
The Divine is present all around,
n the cool fall of a rain storm,
in the tiny buds of a flower,
in the down of a newborn chick,
in the fertile fields waiting to be planted,
in the sky above us,
and in the earth below us.
We thank the universe* for all it has to offer us,
and are so blessed to be alive on this day.
Welcome, life!

Welcome, light! Welcome, spring!

Take a moment and meditate on the three flames before you and what they symbolize. Consider your own place within these three things–the earth, the sun, and the Divine. How do you fit into the grand scheme of things? How do you find balance between light and dark in your own life?

Finally, blend the milk and honey together, mixing gently. Pour it onto the ground around your altar space as an offering to the earth**. As you do, you may wish to say something like:

I make this offering to the earth,
As thanks for the many blessings I have received,
And those I shall some day receive.”

End the ritual by giving your offer and taking every sensation in the moment. As you do so, say:

I make this offering to the earth,
As thanks for the many blessings I have received,
And those I shall some day receive.”

Earth Meditation

Earth meditation is the most simple ritual that you can do to help you connect with the elements of earth. Meditation allows you to focus on your subconscious and connect with your spirituality. To start, find a serene place surrounded by greens, fresh air, and where the sun’s energy can reach you. Once you found your place of meditation you can now do the following: 

  1. Sit or lie on the ground and relax your body while breathing slowly.
  2. Focus the warmth and energy of the sun and imagine how it travels down to your chest and to your heart chakra.
  3. Absorb the energy and feel the sensation as it travels from your chakra until it reaches your feet.
  4. Feel your connection to the earth and imagine the energy growing and spreading from your body to the ground, awakening the objects around you.
  5. To end the ritual, express your gratitude to the earth beneath you while allowing yourself to become conscious of the objects around you.
  6. Gradually open your eyes while still focusing on your breathing.

There are many different ways on how to celebrate the sabbat of Ostara. To learn more about Wicca, the different sabbats, and how you can celebrate them with the proper tools, visit Wicca Online Shop.

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